Military Antiques

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German M-16 Transition Helmet, $995


This M-16 German WWI helmet was removed from storage and re-issued at the dawn of WW2. The original WWI finish appears intact, though aged. The WW1 Liner was replaced by the, then modern, liner and the Nazi Heer decal was applied. The original patina is retained, no attempt to clean or “restore” it has been made. This is a nice artifact of the early war period.
Beaver Creek Arms

Click here for Terms & Conditions: 32B-2514

Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $ 40.
Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark
Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd. Dillsburg PA 17019

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Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility.

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Regimental Beer Stein, Augsburg, $395


This historic Stien was a souvenir of a soldier’s service after 1936, the date printed in Gold on the bottom along with the maker or retailers name. The unnamed owner received his “Unteroffizierkorps” training with 2./Pz.Abw.Abt.27 Augsburg.
The Stine remains in excellent condition with no cracks, chips or other damage. The lid has a bird thumb rest attached to a cover depicting an image of V. Hindenburg and his titles. This is a stoneware stine so there is no Lithophane as found on most Porcelain stines.
This is a beautiful 88 year old Stine that will still serve its original purpose, “PROST !”
Beaver Creek Arms

Click here for Terms & Conditions: 30.1B-2944

Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $ xx.
Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark
Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd. Dillsburg PA 17019

Your complete satisfaction is assured. If you are not satisfied, please contact me within 3 days of receipt.

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Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility.

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“SEABEES” Painted M1 Helmet Set, $975


This M1 Helmet is a Front Seam, Swivel Bale example made by Schlueter and marked lot 424. The “S” mark and lot number are faint and difficult to photograph but visible upon close examination. The Web chinstrap is original to the helmet shell, sewn on and frayed from use. The shell was over painted before the souvenir paintwork was applied. The original owner served with the 64th Naval Construction Battalion from 1942 to 1945.
The helmet liner was made by Westinghouse and marked “W” over “D25”. The chinstrap and webbing appear original to the liner. The liner shows traces of white paint on the exterior surfaces. A great “SEABEE” souvenir helmet.
Beaver Creek Arms

Click here for Terms & Conditions: 32A-2745

Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $30.
Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark
Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd. Dillsburg PA 17019

Your complete satisfaction is assured. If you are not satisfied, please contact me within 3 days of receipt.

Returns must be received in the same condition as shipped. If it has been altered or damaged a refund will not be made. Packing, shipping and insurance cost will not be refunded

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Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility.

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U.S. WW1 Painted Helmet, $675


This WW1 U.S. painted helmet has 4 panels of very nicely painted designs. The front panel shows an Eagle atop what may be an Ordnance symbol. The left side shows an Eagle in flight carrying an American flag. The rear of the helmet shows the Statue of Liberty. Perhaps the original owner was a member of the 100th division? The right side depicts an Eagle on a sword. The exterior patina is uniform with no apparent cleaning or restoration. Perhaps there is a safe way to clean it to make the colors “pop” but I like it as is.
The interior has the original brittle liner with missing chin straps. The right underside of the rim has “S U P 3 2 5” stenciled. A close-up photo is provided. This is a fine example of a period Folk Art painted helmet used to commemorate a soldier’s service in the Great War.
Beaver Creek Arms

Click here for Terms & Conditions: 32A-2276

Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $30.
Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark
Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd. Dillsburg PA 17019

Your complete satisfaction is assured. If you are not satisfied, please contact me within 3 days of receipt.

Returns must be received in the same condition as shipped. If it has been altered or damaged a refund will not be made. Packing, shipping and insurance cost will not be refunded

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Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility.

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Model of German Marder Inf. Fighting Vehicle $495


This Scale model is scratch built from sheet and other metals. It is not a plastic kit. It was no doubt built as a gift to the out-going unit commander to commemorate his service. It is Approximately 9” long, 5” wide and 6” high, and constructed in a very sturdy manor. The turret rotates but the tracks and other items are fixed in place. A very well-made model of a German MARDER Inf. Fighting Vehicle.
Beaver Creek Arms

Click here for Terms & Conditions: 30B-2945

Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $50 within the USA.
Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark
Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd. Dillsburg PA 17019

Your complete satisfaction is assured. If you are not satisfied, please contact me within 3 days of receipt.

Returns must be received in the same condition as shipped. If it has been altered or damaged a refund will not be made. Packing, shipping and insurance cost will not be refunded

Bank check, Personal check, and Money Orders are preferred. Email or phone requests will hold an Item up to 10 days until payment is received. Visa and MasterCard may be phoned in, a 4% processing fee will be added.

Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility.

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WWI Painted Helmet, Eagle & Flag, $575


This helmet is painted in Bright Camo Colors with a large Eagle clutching an American flag. This is a great example of Folk Art painting on American helmets. This is a true American Art form found mostly on WWI helmets. After the armistice U.S troops were generally rotated home by Divisions, and many participated in Welcome Home parades. Hundreds of khaki clad troops marching down main street was a welcome sight. The troops felt they were marching to freedom from the structured army life, independence was flaunted by the many uniquely painted helmets. It was against regulations but they couldn’t be sent back to France, so why not.

The helmet is missing the leather liner and chinstraps from hanging in a Barn, Basement or Attic. There is a dent on the left rear of the crown and I’d guess with proper cleaning the paint may brighten.

Beaver Creek Arms

See below for Terms & Conditions: 32A-2248

Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $ 40.

Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark
Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd. Dillsburg PA 17019

Your complete satisfaction is assured. If you are not satisfied, please contact me within 3 days of receipt.

Returns must be received in the same condition as shipped. If it has been altered or damaged a refund will not be made. Packing, shipping and insurance cost will not be refunded

Bank check, Personal check, and Money Orders are preferred. Email or phone requests will hold an Item up to 10 days until payment is received. Visa and MasterCard may be phoned in, a 4% processing fee will be added.

Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility.

Client information will remain Confidential. Your privacy is protected.

WWI Painted Helmet, Multi Panel Colors, $375


This helmet is painted in Bright Camo Colors in multiple panels. This is a great example of Folk Art painting on American helmets. This is a true American Art form found mostly on WWI helmets. After the armistice U.S troops were generally rotated home by Divisions, and many participated in Welcome Home parades. Hundreds of khaki clad troops marching down main street was a welcome sight. The troops felt they were marching to freedom from the structured army life, independence was flaunted by the many uniquely painted helmets. It was against regulations, but they couldn’t be sent back to France, so why not.

The helmet is missing the leather liner and the chinstrap is broken from hanging in a Barn, Basement or Attic. I’d think with proper cleaning the paint may brighten.

Beaver Creek Arms

See below for Terms & Conditions: 32A-2247


Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $30.

Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark

Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd.  Dillsburg PA 17019


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Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility. 


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Span. Am. Canteen, $165


This canteen has flat sides, not the “Bullseye” style of it’s predecessor. The canteen is carried in the original cover having sewn on straps as it had when leaving the factory. The original cork stopper remains chained to the neck in proper fashion, but the cork has deteriorated over time. A very nice canteen that will display well with your Spanish American War collection.  

Beaver Creek Arms

See below for Terms & Conditions: 30A-2946


Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $25. 

Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark

Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd.  Dillsburg PA 17019


Your complete satisfaction is assured, see objective above.  If you are not satisfied, please contact me within 3 days of receipt.


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Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility. 


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Guard W.A.C. Helmet, $350


This helmet with the hand painted “GUARD W.A.C.” was worn by guards at the Wright Aeronautical Corp. The W.A.C. was founded in 1919 at Paterson N.J. and closed in 1946. During WW2 the plant had 24,000 employees working around the clock to produce aircraft engines. The best known were used in B-25 and B-17 Bombers among others. You can imagine that guarding this important war time plant was very important.
The important part of this helmet, the hand painted “Guard W.A.C.” has survived in excellent condition. I could speculate that it hung on a hook, painting down, and the upside or back suffered some exposure damage. The interior webbing has survived in fine condition. The leather chinstrap and headlined didn’t fare so well. It remains an interesting home front collection example.
Beaver Creek Arms

See below for Terms & Conditions: 32A-2794


Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $25. 

Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark

Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd.  Dillsburg PA 17019


Your complete satisfaction is assured, see objective above.  If you are not satisfied, please contact me within 3 days of receipt.


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Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility. 


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Frazier Patent Cartridge Box, $225


This Indian War era cartridge box shows very strong markings. The original wood cartridge holder insert is often lost to the ages. The box is well marked with Patent and Manufactures information. The leather is a bit crazed in areas but overall excellent for it’s age. The Brass N.G. plate is original and excellent condition. A very nice example for your Indian War collection.

Beaver Creek Arms

See below for Terms & Conditions: 33A-2793


Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $25

Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark

Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd.  Dillsburg PA 17019


Your complete satisfaction is assured, see objective above.  If you are not satisfied, please contact me within 3 days of receipt.


Returns must be made within 3 days of receipt. They must be received in exactly the same condition. If it has been altered or damaged a refund will not be made.  Packing, shipping and insurance cost will not be refunded.  All layaway purchases are returnable for merchandise credit only. 


Bank check, Personal check, and Money Orders are preferred. Visa and MasterCard are accepted with a 4% processing fee. 


A 20% deposit is required.  Balance is due in 60 days. Deposits are non-refundable and are forfeited after 70 days.  Layaway sales are returnable for merchandise credit only.


Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility. 


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German WW2 Optics, 6X30 Dienstglas, $575


These German Binoculars were likely taken as a war souvenir by an American GI to be used as a post war hunting tool. The binoculars are marked with the serial number 369070 and the ordinance code “cxn” for Emil Busch AG, Optische Industrie, in Rathenow Germany. There is some minor scuffing to the paint consistent with age. The optics remain sharp and clear. They have been protected by the original “Bakelite” case. The case is undamaged, the latch is marked “frn41” the unknown ordnance code and 1941 date. The leather remains soft and pliable and has the tunic button flap to keep the glass from swinging free. The original lens covers remain attached to the neck strap. A very nice example in excellent condition.

Beaver Creek Arms

See below for Terms & Conditions: 38B-2886


Shipments are made via U.S.P.S. Priority Mail, Insured, with Signature required. Packing, Shipping and Insurance cost for this item is $30. 

Checks to be made out to: Steve Clark

Mailed to: 380 Beaver Creek Rd.  Dillsburg PA 17019


Your complete satisfaction is assured, see objective above.  If you are not satisfied, please contact me within 3 days of receipt.


Returns must be made within 3 days of receipt. They must be received in exactly the same condition. If it has been altered or damaged a refund will not be made.  Packing, shipping and insurance cost will not be refunded.  All layaway purchases are returnable for merchandise credit only. 


Bank check, Personal check, and Money Orders are preferred. Visa and MasterCard are accepted with a 4% processing fee. 


A 20% deposit is required.  Balance is due in 60 days. Deposits are non-refundable and are forfeited after 70 days.  Layaway sales are returnable for merchandise credit only.


Pennsylvania state sales tax is 6% for in-state purchases. The payment of other states sales tax, if applicable, for shipped items is the buyers responsibility. 


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