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Springfield M1911, Captain Edward Van Winkle, 1879-1972
PC18-2056 (Not for Sale)
I am fortunate to be the caretaker of history in the form of this Springfield M-1911 pistol serial number 115539, Compass, Photos and records of Capt. Edward Van Winkle Accompanying the historical documents was a handwritten note I believe to be written c.1970, reproduced below:
“Dear Bill-
Merry Christmas – I am giving to you my automatic gun which Grand Ma gave me when I went away to France in world war I – I carried it through the campaigns in France, Belgium, Luxenberg and Germany – Learn how to assemble & unassembled it. Keep it clean because it might save your life –
I regret that I am not strong enough to show you how to take care of it. When you go back to camp have one of the officers show you all about it-
Hope you don’t ever need it.
Grand Dad -“
His Grandson Bill cared for them until he sold them to me. During my research I found that the University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, has a Van Winkle collection. It consists of over 500 letters written to his wife Sama between 1917 – 1919
Van Winkle was in the Third Army, 24th Engineers, during his overseas service. Near the end of his tour, he suggested the design of the now familiar Third Army Insignia. He contacted the sisters of the Bitberg Convent, in Germany and had the first embroidered shoulder patch insignia made. He wore it until his retirement as a Major in 1920.
Research Continues.