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Folk Art Gas Mask Bag
Pvt. Enos V. Moore was a talented artist who decorated his gas mask bag. The bag is in excellent condition and the original gas mask remains in place. To all outward appearances the mask appears un-used, so Pvt. Moore was a lucky boy. Research to be continued.
TANK MODEL, “Herrn Major Vester”
Shortly after occupation by German forces an armored vehicle repair facility was established in Riga, Latvia. A major focus was to recover, and repair captured enemy (Russian) tanks and return them to service with the German army.
Stoneware Stein, “REICHSPARTEITAG 1933”
This stein was sold as a souvenir of the fifth party (Nazi) congress held in Nurenberg, 30 Aug – 3 Sept 1933. It was called the “Rally of Victory” (REICHSPSRTEITAG). It was a massive political rally celebrating the victory
Baseball Plaque
Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945, at which time approximately 4 million men found themselves happily un-employed and all wanted to return to the U,S, next Tuesday. Fortunately, the US Army Chief of Staff, General George C. Marshal had anticipated this. His experience with the demobilization of WWI
M3 Fighting Knife and Screwdriver
Each of these items were manufactured in 1943 by the Imperial Knife Co., of Providence R.I. Of the nine contractors supplying this type of knife to the US
1944 Original Oil Painting by Otto Bloss
The artist, Otto Bloss 1893-1963 from Eisfeld Germany was an “approved” artist and made many on site paintings during WWII. These paintings were used for Nazi propaganda purposes and vividly capture the heroic Germans in action in the
Sgt. Paup’s Story
These two identical brass shell casings have hollow brass simulated projectiles. Each case is approximately 2.7” diameter at the base and 8.7” tall, the overall height including the projectile is Approx. 16” tall. The base of each case is arsenal marked “EP” and “97”.