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Stoneware Stein, “REICHSPARTEITAG 1933”

30.1B-2949, Not for Sale


This stein was sold as a souvenir of the fifth party (Nazi) congress held in Nurenberg, 30 Aug – 3 Sept 1933. It was called the “Rally of Victory” (REICHSPSRTEITAG). It was a massive political rally celebrating the victory over the Weimer Republic.
This 1L stein is made of stoneware pottery. The front shows a pre-printed Tower image with the label “BRAUHAUS / NURNBERG”. Hand painted underneath is “REICHSPARTEITAG 1933”. has been supplemented by hand painter cartoons with captions. The first (left) panel shows fifteen brown shirts standing in rank with the leader at the front. One of the fifteen men stands out because of an exaggerated long neck. The leader says to the group “That Man Must Go”.
The second (right) panel shows the tall man attending to the N.S.D.A.P. banner while the other brownshirts march off. One of the departing men says ”Come with Us”. The tall fellow says, “Have no Money”.
This certainly meant something to the group and may have been presented to the tall guy at a later celebration. The joke and meaning have been lost to history, but this souvenir of the young Nazis good time remain.
Fortunately, some young American Soldier “Souvenired” it and likely enjoyed many Biers from it. To the Victors go the Spoils!

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